Jul 29, 2019


In this episode of The Summer Self-Care Series, Stephanie DeLussey shares her story of being diagnosed with anxiety and how she has decided to cope with it. Her unconventional way of taking control over her anxiety will inspire you not only to take control of your struggles with burnout and anxiety but will help you to personalize your self-care strategies. 

Stephanie DeLussey, from Mrs. D's Corner, is a special education teacher and mental health advocate.

Stephanie's message to us: 

Fight against the stigma that your mental health is something that is unimportant and something that you should be ashamed to take care of. Therapy is not a bad or negative thing and if you're struggling with the lies that you're telling yourself, you need to get help. You can also do the following things to take care of yourself and your mental health daily:

  1. Eat well, sleep well, get enough water
  2. Allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling
    1. Write in a notebook the lies that you tell yourself
    2. Have really good friends who know you well and can walk you through the lies and take you to the TRUTH
    3. The next day, write the truth next to the lies that you were telling yourself the day before
  3. Find solace in knowing that someone else has felt the way you’re feeling - reading quotes, poetry, music, books, research
    1. Create an anxiety playlist
  4. Find something to do as a creative outlet or hobby
  5. Get a Therapist when you feel you need help beyond talking to a friend or significant other 
    1. Take the time to find one that clicks with you
    2. Don’t be afraid to open your mouth and tell them everything that you’re feeling
    3. There are therapists who will work with you virtually
  6. “If you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness.” 
    1. It’s so much easier to take care of yourself when you’re healthy than when you’re not.
  7. Be careful of your anxiety level when getting on Social Media platforms like Instagram
    1. Make your classroom yours and allow for some grace



Instagram: @mrsdscorner

Website: https://www.mrsdscorner.com/



Link to Stephanie's playlist

Stephanie's Teachers Pay Teachers Page



BIT Keynote Speaker Information 



The Burned-In Teacher Facebook Community





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