And Become a Taker of Chance
“Ugh! Of course… this is what ALWAYS happens.”
“Why does this always happen to ME?”
“Shocker. I should have known this would be the outcome.”
“When will they just stop picking on me?”
If you have, then I’m sorry to say that you’ve decided to be a victim of circumstance. Now, don’t click the X on this tab, slam your computer shut (or phone off), just yet. Hear me out…
I can’t tell you the exact date that I woke up and decided that enough was enough and I also can’t tell you that I NEVER say those things now. But the fact is, I used to allow myself to become a victim every time something didn’t go my way, or someone didn’t respond in an ideal way, or I simply got myself into an unfavorable situation.
I made the choice to become a victim of my circumstances by blaming everyone around me for what was happening “TO” me (including my students). My failures, short-comings, and overall discontent with my teaching situation was someone else’s problem to solve, and I reveled in the fact that I didn’t have anything to do but cry and complain about it.
It wasn’t until about the time that I started Burned-In Teacher that I realized the power of taking #1 responsibility and #2 action. That’s where the real changes started happening for me, and my happiness as an educator and an overall human began to take form.
And, thanks to the wonderful people, who I listen to daily on podcasts, and who’s books I read (or listen to), I am able to fuel that fire of control more and more each day. Coincidentally, I was listening to Always A Lesson Podcast by Gretchen Bridgers and her advice for upgrading yourself was so closely aligned with my post today that I had to include a link to the episode: “It’s Time for Your Educator Upgrade”. I promise, you’ll come out on the other end feeling pretty empowered to make some changes. I have mixed Gretchen’s insights with my own, because they fit so well together and can help you to reevaluate your situation and get some clarity on it too.
Now that you know the things you want to change about your situation, it’s time to make an action plan. In the same place that you have word vomited all of the things that are frustrating you and your not-so-pretty characteristics on paper and you’ve highlighted the things you are the most unhappy about, its time to (R) reflect on the challenges that have held you back from making the changes in the past and make a plan of action now.
Are you depressed by your lack of preparation for your lessons, because you feel like you don’t have time? Well, what are you going to do about it? What do you need to say no to at school, so you can take time to plan ahead better?
Ticked off that your students disrespect you and no matter how many times you send them to the office, they come back 5 min later and continue to be disruptive? What are YOU going to do about it? What are you going to change about YOURSELF to, in tandem, change those behaviors?
Lastly, you have to ACT. You can’t do all of this prep work and then sit on it. Say out loud if you need to, “This is no longer my reality. Enough is enough.” and I promise you there is REAL power in that statement. Now YOU are in the driver’s seat. Now YOU are mission control. Now YOU are a TAKER OF CHANCE!
Takers of Chance don’t sit in the fetal position of life and hide from hard things. Takers of Chance are constantly reflecting, planning, and implementing. Takers of Chance (E) extend their reach to others for help and know-how. They find someone either in their building, corporation, or online who is better than them at something and they ask, “How?” They (D) determine their goals and constantly strive for better than they were before. Takers of Chance (I) initiate the change that they want to see in themselves and DO NOT wait for permission or for warnings. Finally, Takers of Chance (N) NEVER SETTLE for less than their own success. EVER.
I encourage you to dive more deeply into these reflections by reading the Burned-In eBook.
You see, unless we say enough of the victimization, we will continue to believe that things are happening to us, therefore, that gives those things power over us. YOU can stop it now and I know you will, because the alternative is depressing, and is that what you really want for yourself?
I encourage you to join The Burned-In Teacher Facebook Group and share your reflections, goals, and implementation plans for your success with us. We’re here to cheer you on and help you BEAT THIS BEAST THAT IS BURNOUT.
Take this quiz and begin your journey out of burnout.
TAKE THE TEACHER BURNOUT QUIZThis fillable ebook doubles as a guide and a journal as you go from burned-out to a BURNED-IN Educator!
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